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Saturday, November 30, 2024

1st Sunday of Advent, Year C, 01.12.2024

 Jeremiah 33:14-16 / 1 Thess 3:12 -4:2 / Luke 21:25-28, 34-36 

Human beings are such that they will usually follow what the majority or what the crowd is doing, or where the majority or the crowd is going. 

That is also sometimes called the “herd  mentality”. 

To follow the majority or the crowd would be certainly a safer option. 

At least we won't feel left out, or left alone. It is always safer to be with a crowd or in a crowd. 

But doing what the crowd is doing, or going where the crowd is going, would make us lose something. 

It would make us lose our sense of judgment, as we would do without thinking and go without looking. 

Then there is also the peer pressure that will numb our discernment and judgment. 

But that would be what we have to give up if we want to be with the “in-crowd” and so as not to be left out. 

So, when the crowd says that that is the way, then we will also follow along and say that is the way. 

And when the crowd is in chaos and panicking because of some danger, then we too will also be frightened and begin to panic. 

In the gospel, Jesus talks about disturbing and frightening signs and happenings. 

But He also says that in those fearful and frightening times, He will come with power and great glory. 

Jesus tells us to stand erect, and hold our heads high, because our liberation is near at hand. 

Jesus wants to liberate and free us from the conformity and the confusion of this world. 

So, the world says that we must stay low and protect ourselves, and to take cover from danger. 

But Jesus tells us to stand erect and hold our heads high. 

Practically, it means that we must know what is right and wrong. 

Right is right even if nobody is doing it. And wrong is wrong even if everybody is doing it.

But, that would be challenging and difficult because of the herd-mentality and the peer pressure. 

As we begin the season of Advent, the first candle of the Advent wreath is lighted. 

It is just one lighted candle, but that one little light is sufficient to make us think and reflect. 

As we journey further into Advent, eventually all the four candles of the Advent wreath will be lighted. 

And it began with just one lighted candle. 

So when we stand up for what is right and true, and what is good and loving, we also must stand erect and hold our heads high. 

We do what is right and true, what is good and loving, even if no one is doing it. 

We stand on the promise of Jesus, and we hold our heads high because Jesus will shine His light on us and liberate and light up our lives. 

We don't follow the crowd, because we follow Jesus. 

We can only follow Jesus when we stay awake and pray. 

With the light of Jesus shining on us, we will be able to stand erect and hold our heads high. 

And we will be able to do what is right and true, and what is good and loving, even if nobody is doing it.