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Saturday, March 21, 2020

4th Sunday of Lent, Year A, 22.03.2020

1 Sam16:1, 6-7, 10-13 / Ephesians 5:8-14 / John 9:1-41
The units of measurement are helpful and even necessary in order to know the size, the weight, the power and the capability of objects and equipment.

But there are other units of measurement that do not exist on their own; in fact, they takes their  measurement from their counterparts. 

Take for example, cold and heat. There are measurements of heat but there are actually no measurements of cold. 

So we may say it is -20 degrees Celsius, but it is taken in reference to the measurement of heat. So cold is only a word used to describe the absence of heat. We cannot measure cold. Heat is energy and it can be measured, and cold is not the opposite but the absence of heat. 

Similarly with darkness and light. Going by the same reasoning as above, darkness is the absence of light. Darkness cannot be measured, whereas light  can (lumens) because light is energy. So darkness is just the absence of light, or the lack of light.

Similarly with blindness and sight. There is no measurement for blindness, but there are such terms as long-sighted or short-sighted.

And with blindness, all the person can ever “see” is darkness. Not being able to see, the world of the blind person is in constant darkness.

In the gospel, the disciples questioned Jesus about the cause of the man’s blindness. Was it his sin? Or was it his parents’ sin?

The reply of Jesus was rather puzzling, when He said, “Neither he nor his parents sinned. He was born blind so that the works of God might be displayed in him.” 

Jesus proceeded to heal the blind man and gave him  sight. But Jesus did not do that to show that He was just a miracle worker or faith healer.

Jesus showed that He is the True Light, the light who has come to scatter the darkness of the blind and give him sight.

Similarly in these chaotic and trouble times, it seems like a darkness has enveloped the whole world, as what we are seeing are reports of rising numbers of infections and deaths, hard times ahead for the economy and the reality of a recession, and essentially it is a darkness that we are staring at, with fear lurking around in that darkness.

But it is in these times that Jesus wants to show us that He is the True Light. He wants to open our eyes so that we can see what God wants us to see.

In the first reading, God opened the eyes of the prophet Samuel, so that he could see what God wanted him to see, that the unlikely David was the chosen one. 

So what does God want us to see in this chaotic and trouble times?

The below reflection (anonymous) may shed some light to the present situation in our lives and to what is happening in the world.

You made the whole world stop spinning for awhile,
You silenced the noise that we all have created
You made us bend our knees again and ask for a miracle. 
You closed Your churches so we will realize how dark our world without You in it. 

You humble the proud and powerful. 
The economy is crashing, businesses are closing. 
We were very proud, we thought that everything we have, everything we possess was the result of our hard work. We have forgotten that it was always Your grace and mercy that made us who we are. 

We’re like running in circles looking for some cure to this disease but in fact it takes humility to ask for Your wisdom. 

We’ve been living our lives like we will be here on earth forever, like there’s no heaven.
Maybe these trials are Your mercy in disguise. 
Maybe this virus is actually Your way of purifying us, cleansing our soul, bringing us back to YOU. 

In the past You serenaded us with Hosea’s song:
“Come back to me with all your heart
Don't let fear keep us apart
Trees do bend though straight and tall
So must we to others' call
Long have I waited for
Your coming home to me
And living deeply our new life”

You have been patiently waiting for us. We’re so sorry for ignoring Your voice. For our selfish ways. We all deserve this. We have forgotten You dear Father. 😔

.. We’ve forgotten that You’re God, You only need to say the word, and our souls shall be healed.

May this present darkness help us to see the presence of the True Light, Jesus Christ, and may our minds and hearts be enlightened, so that we will see what we need to see, do what we need to do and continue to walk in the Light of Christ.