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Saturday, March 15, 2025

2nd Sunday of Lent, Year C, 16.03.2025

  Genesis 15:5-12, 17-18 / Philippians 3:17 – 4:1 / Luke 9:28-36 

There are quite a few occasions that occur annually. 

We will surely know what they are because it usually comes with a public holiday. 

So, that will be New Year's day, Chinese New Year (and that's two public holidays), Hari Raya Puasa (and that is coming up soon), etc. 

We can't miss those occasions because it will come with a public holiday, and we like holidays because we don't have to go to school or to work. 

But other than those public occasions, there are also personal occasions that come about annually. 

So, there are birthdays and wedding anniversaries. Whether we celebrate those occasions or not, we will still remember those dates because those are our personal dates. 

But it might be a bit more difficult to remember other people's dates, like the birthday of the spouse, and that can mean some trouble. 

Or, the date of the wedding anniversary, and that can be quite embarrassing, especially when obvious hints are given. 

Today's Gospel is also known as the gospel of the Transfiguration. 

And we may also notice that every year on the 2nd Sunday of Lent, the Gospel reading is about the Transfiguration. 

Adding on to that, the Feast of the Transfiguration is also celebrated on the 6th of August in the Church calendar. 

That is telling us something, and that is, the Transfiguration is an important event in the life of Jesus. 

On that mountain, the glory of Jesus was revealed, that He is the beloved Son of God. 

The presence of Moses and Elijah witnessed to Jesus, that He is the Divine Law Giver and the Prophetic Voice of God. 

As for the disciples, Peter, James and John, they were overwhelmed with awe. 

Peter said something about building three tents, but he actually didn't know what he was saying. 

But whatever it is, the Transfiguration of Jesus on that mountain was an experience and an encounter that was seared deep into the hearts of the disciples. 

They didn't talk about it then, but later on, they will speak about it as it was an occasion that pointed to Jesus as the Divine Son of God. 

So, why is the Transfiguration being mentioned during the season of Lent and again in August. 

Well, for the RCIA Elect, the season of Lent is the period of their final preparation for baptism at Easter.

This Sunday’s Gospel of the Transfiguration leads them to reflect on how the Lord Jesus has revealed Himself to them in their faith journey. 

There was a sharing by one of the Elect which is rather amusing and amazing. 

In her childhood days, one of her Catholic relatives brought her to a Catholic Church, but only for a few occasions, and that is to pray for the exams. 

That was her first encounter with the Catholic Church. Later on, she got married and she didn't think much about God or about going to Church. 

And then her husband injured his back and was bedridden for a few months. 

She was so stressed as there was no cure despite having treatment after treatment. 

One morning, when she was about to go marketing, one of her friends called her up. She shared with that friend about her husband's condition, and that friend told her to pray to Jesus. 

She asked her friend how to pray, and that friend told her to look up at the sky and say: Jesus, please help me, please cure my husband. 

Well, she did that, she looked up in the sky, and said: Jesus, please help me, please cure my husband.

And then she carried on with her marketing. That very afternoon, when she was preparing dinner, she thought that she saw her husband walking slowly from the bedroom to the toilet. 

She was very surprised and amazed, and her husband slowly recovered and was able to walk. 

But what was even more surprising was that, when asked who was that friend who told her to look at the sky to pray to Jesus, she couldn't remember.

How could she not remember who it is? 

But in life, there are many experiences and encounters that are beyond explanation. 

We can call it a mystery, but that is how God reveals Himself to us, just like how Jesus revealed Himself to His disciples in the Transfiguration. 

On this second Sunday of Lent, we and the RCIA Elect are led to reflect and recall how God has revealed Himself to us.

It may not be a spectacular experience or a dramatic encounter. 

But certainly, God is speaking to us through Jesus His Son.

May we listen, may we believe, and may our faith be strengthened.