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Saturday, February 1, 2025

The Presentation of the Lord, Year C, 02.02.2025

 Malachi 3:1-4 / Hebrews 2:14-18 / Luke 2:22-40

One of the most useful things to have around is something that gives light. 

Of course, there are luminous objects that glows in the dark. But that effect can only last for a limited period of time. 

What is more useful are electric lamps or battery operated torch lights. These will give out sufficient amount of light to help us see especially in the dark. 

But, what if there is a blackout, or when electricity is not available? Then, battery operated torch lights will be the next in line. 

But as it is often the case, the battery is flat just when we need them. 

Of course, there is the torch light app in our mobile phone. So, there are ample modern day means of lighting, and so, we don’t have to fear the dark that much. 

Compared to these modern day lighting gadgets, the humble candle seems rather primitive, and it can be messy and also a fire hazard. 

But the light from just one candle is sufficient to brighten up a dark place. 

On this feast of the Presentation of the Lord, candles are blessed at the beginning of the Mass. 

In the prayer for the blessing of the candles, the Church invokes the Lord, who is the source of all light, to make the candles holy. 

And we who use these candles are to walk in the path of goodness and come to the light then shines forever. 

So, the blessed candles become a symbol of Christ, the light of the world. 

As Mary and Joseph presented the Infant Jesus at the Temple, the Divine Light shines on the Temple. 

The glory of God is manifested and the Temple radiates with the holy and divine Light. 

And those with faith will be able to recognize that divine light and see what it reveals. 

For the upright and devout Simeon, and the 84-year-old prophetess Anna, the divine light shines on them. 

It revealed to them who the Saviour is. It also revealed what their future is. 

For Simeon and Anna, they saw the light and they will now walk towards the Eternal Light. 

For Mary, the light revealed the sword that will pierce her heart. 

The divine light has revealed many things to various people in the past. 

The Wise Men followed the light of the star that revealed the newborn King of the Jews. 

St. Paul was struck with the flash of light that revealed to him it was Jesus he was persecuting. 

The feast of the Presentation reminds us that the divine light is shining on us, and God wants to reveal something to us. 

But when the light is brightest, the shadows are darkest. 

It may reveal our sinfulness, but it also leads us to holiness. 

As we bring back the candles, let us light the  candles in prayer, in times of need, in times of sickness, in times of worry and anxiety, in times of fear and darkness. 

May the gentle light of God's love fill us with peace, and to let us know that Jesus is with us now and always.

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