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Saturday, September 14, 2024

24th Ordinary Sunday, Year B, 15.09.2024

 Isaiah 50:5-9 / James 2:14-18 / Mark 8:27-35

When it comes to choosing a leader, there are some expectations of what a leader should be. 

A leader is one who has the ability to unite people and lead them forward into the future. 

A leader should also provide for the needs of the people, and protect them from danger. 

A leader should also be strong and is able to defeat his enemies. 

These are some of the expectations of a leader, and there can be many more. 

Also, a good leader would want to have these qualities in order to prove his leadership skills. 

When we look at the expectations and qualities of a leader, an image may come to our minds. 

The image of Jesus, the Good Shepherd, would meet the expectations and qualities of a leader. 

Yes, the Good Shepherd leads His flock to green pastures, He takes care of the weak and wounded, and He protects His sheep from wolves and other dangers. 

In the gospel, when Jesus asked His disciples who do they say He is, Peter spoke up and said this: You are the Christ. 

The word “Christ” means the Anointed One of God. 

It means that Jesus is sent by God to lead the People of God towards salvation. 

Jesus came to forgive sins and to heal the wounds caused by sin. 

Jesus came so that we can hear the voice of God, a voice that speaks of peace, a voice of life and love. 

Jesus is the leader who we want to follow, because He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. 

And Jesus has also anointed a leader for us to continue the leadership and the mission. 

During the past week, we welcomed Pope Francis in his Apostolic visit to Singapore. 

In the person of Pope Francis, Jesus came to visit us and to unite us in faith and to strengthen our hope. 

Pope Francis brought the Good News of love to our country and to the Church in Singapore. 

In Pope Francis, we see how much Jesus loves us and cares for us, especially in the joyful celebration of the Eucharist at the National Stadium. 

In his meeting with the clergy, Pope Francis urged us, the priests, to be good shepherds of the People of God. 

He said that as shepherds of the flock, we are to be at the front of God's people, as well as in the middle, and also at the rear. 

At the front, we are to hold high the Cross of Christ for the people to keep their focus on God. 

In the middle, to have the sense and the smell of the sheep, so as to understand their worries and anxieties, the struggles and the troubles of the flock. 

To be at the rear, so as to help the least and the last, the sick and the aged. 

To be at the rear, is also to listen to the echoes of the voices of those in need, and to discern the directions of the flock. 

The message of the gospel and the visit of Pope Francis tells us this: we keep our focus on the Cross of Christ, because it points us to God. 

The Cross of Christ is heavy and it calls for sacrifices to be made. 

But the priests and the People of God are to put their hands on the cross and to carry it together. 

Carrying the Cross together, we will be able to go far. 

Carrying the Cross together will unite us in hope, and God will help us with His blessings of love.