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Saturday, May 6, 2023

5th Sunday of Easter, Year A, 07.05.2023

 Acts 6:1-7 / 1 Peter 2:4-9 / John 14:1-12

The amazing thing about life is that what does not stop us will make us stronger. 

The human ability to move on despite tragedies and disasters is actually quite astonishing. 

Just going back to recent history, humanity has survived two major wars on a worldwide scale. 

And the recent worldwide pandemic has finally been accepted as an endemic. 

Although what does not stop us will make us stronger, we also know that gain comes with pain.

The mega troubles of a worldwide scale have caused despair and distress. 

Similarly the personal troubles on a personal level will also cause despair and distress. 

But we want to move on and we know that we have to move on. 

But what are we moving on to? Are we moving on towards more troubles and more despair and distress? 

If what does not stop us will make us stronger, then we also must stop and ponder. 

We ponder about what has happened, and we wonder about what will happen. 

In pondering and wondering, we may come to see that if we can't handle the small troubles in life, then we will really be in despair over the bigger troubles. 

In the 1st reading, we hear of the early Church facing a rather small problem, and that is about the distribution of food to the poor in which some widows were neglected. 

It may seem to be a small problem compared to persecutions, but the apostles had to look into it. 

It was not just an administrative matter, because it also has spiritual implications. 

The apostles realized what their priority was, and after prayer, they appointed seven men to do that admin work. 

It may seem to be a small administrative matter, but if the apostles do not prioritize their spiritual duty, then there will be big troubles. 

In the gospel, Jesus tells us not to let our hearts be troubled. 

He tells us to trust in God, and to trust in Him. 

He tells us that He has prepared a place for us and that He will bring us there. 

When we think about what is troubling us, it comes down to our security. 

We are anxious and we worry about our basic necessities of life, like food, clothing and shelter. 

We are anxious and worry about our financial security, our job security, our relationships and family, our health, etc. 

So far, we have survived and moved on. 

Although the troubles of life have not stopped us, yet we must ponder. 

In spite of the troubles of life, what is it that we hope for? 

Yes, we hope for a better life. But more than that, we hope for an eternal life. 

It is an eternal life with Jesus, where He will wipe away the tears from our eyes, and troubles of our hearts. 

So, we journey on towards the future, with our hopes on the eternal future. 

We journey on with Jesus, who is our Way, our Truth and our Life.

We journey on towards that eternal dwelling that Jesus has promised us.