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Saturday, April 22, 2023

3rd Sunday of Easter Year A, 23.04.2023

 Acts 2:42-47 / 1 Peter 1:3-9 / John 20:19-31

In the journey of life, we don't walk alone. 

In the story of creation, God saw that man, and the rest of creation was good. 

But there was one thing that God saw that was not good, and that was, man was alone. 

And hence, God created woman, and together with the man, they were to go forth and multiply and fill the Earth with love. 

But there were times when man chose to go alone, maybe because to go fast, one goes alone. 

But going alone, or wanting to go fast, will certainly have problems. 

Peter was alone when he denied Jesus, not once, but three times. 

Judas had his own ideology, and he ended up as a tragedy. 

Thomas chose to be in isolation, and he missed the first appearance of the Risen lord. 

As we have heard, to go fast, one goes alone. But to go far, we go together. 

To be together is to keep each other company, whether we are happy or in misery. 

For the two disciples of Jesus who were on their way to Emmaus, they were downcast and in misery. 

They were walking away from Jerusalem as their hopes were shattered with the death of Jesus. 

Their only consolation was that they had each other's company in their misery. 

But we remembered that Jesus promised where two or three are gathered, He will be there. 

Jesus came along and walked with the two disciples along their journey, and listened to their story. 

He then enlightened them with the Scriptures, and finally revealed Himself to them at the breaking of bread. 

For the two disciples, the journey to Emmaus was heavy with disappointment. 

But the journey back to Jerusalem was burning with excitement. 

Jesus had promised His disciples that He would rise from the dead, and the two disciples experienced the Resurrection. 

But for the two disciples as well as for the rest of the disciples, there was a deeper revelation. 

The Risen Lord Jesus had kept His promise that He will be with them, and will journey with them to the end of time. 

As we journey in our faith, let us remember that Jesus promised to be with us. 

As we journey on, let us also journey together with each other, whether it is in excitement or in disappointment. 

And let us also look out for the lonely and the lost. 

Let us look out for those who are unhappy and in misery. 

They are the ones who walk alone in misery and with no company. 

Let us walk with them, and Jesus will walk with us. 

Together with Jesus, we will go far and will even receive a revelation of Heaven. 

And it will be a journey together with hearts burning with love.